Turning chaos into orders BlueBolt Studio is an online tool developed to help architects and interior designers review, specify, and order surface materials and fabrics.
We were given the charge to introduce this new product to a skeptical and savvy audience.
Bluebolt is a specification tool for architects and interior designers. Our logo was inspired by the way designers compare paint chips and fabric swatches.
Our involvement included outlining a marketing strategy, establishing a brand personality, naming the products, and creating identity, sales, and promotional materials. We developed BlueBolt’s logo, advertising, packaging, sales pieces, and announcements.
Trade event invitation: A custom architect’s template, spelling out the BlueBolt name along with other useful shapes.
Trade advertising campaign: “Turn your chaos into your order.” The BlueBolt program helps designers organize their (typically unorganized) sample and resource libraries.
Stationery program
Alexander Isley
Hayley Capidulopo
Liesl Kaplan
Alexander Isley
Michelle Moore
The Herb Lubalin Study Center
of Design and Typography
Special Collections Research Center
NC State University Libraries
Museum of Design, Zurich