Charleston, SC

WREN: Women’s Rights and Empowerment Network

An identity for an advocacy organization WREN is a South Carolina-based organization created to advance the health, economic well-being, and rights of South Carolina’s women, girls, and their families.

We worked with the organization’s leadership to create a comprehensive identity and communication program, giving them the tools to help refine and spread word of their mission.

View more projects in Advocacy and Cause-Related
We started off by leading a naming initiative. Working in collaboration with our colleague, writer and strategist Georgann Eubanks, we explored a variety of approaches leading up to our recommendation of WREN, the Women’s Rights and Empowerment Network.

The acronym is short, memorable, and makes reference to the South Carolina state bird, known for its hardiness and persistent voice.
Once the name was in place, we turned our attention to developing the visual program.

The idea of a multicolored nest as a logo appealed to us: A nest represents safety and security, nurturing, and the idea of a home. It’s a place where the young are protected. A nest is tightly woven, its strength coming from the intertwining of individual members.

The organization works with its partners and members to advocate for laws and policies to enhance the status of women, contribute to the well-being of families, educate policymakers and the public, and empower South Carolinians to speak up and out for a better state.

The “nest” icon is memorable, flexible, and can work in a wide variety of situations.

The nest can be created from a variety of colors — each a component of the overall visual program.


Alexander Isley
Angela Chen

Georgann Eubanks